Saturday, November 7, 2009

Post 100 - Open Studios

Hey, its the 100th post of the year on dibbly. Today is November 7th, the 311th day of the year, so that's an average of 1 post every 3.1 days - not too shabby.

Anyways, yesterday was open studios here at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, which meant I had to clean up all the crap everywhere and look like I had my act together for a few hours. Here are a few shots of the set up - some of the work here isn't done yet, but when it is, I'll post up some proper stuff about it.

I'd have taken more, but my camera ran out of batteries. Such is life.


dizzleD said...

Looking good dude! Is that big dark one the new one you were talking about?
Like the lamp in the studio also....

Dibbly said...

yessir the big one is the panel i was telling you bout building