Saturday, March 7, 2009


ink, acrylic and newsprint transfer on panel, 16x12"

Not many posts of new art recently because I was back working at the museum, deinstalling the International (note: not as much fun as installing the International). However, they've cut me loose as of last Friday, so I've got more time and will be posting more things soon.

Oh, I also heard from a grad school - got into the San Francisco Art Institute. Woooo! At least I know I'll be somewhere come September.


CornNut said...

thats closer to me than where you are now!

im sure its going to be one of many!
really like this piece too!

Anonymous said...

Two questions:

1. Did the cave survive or is it destroyed?
2. Did you have to white out each of Richard Wright's geometric shapes?

Dibbly said...

Mr. Dog,

1. The cave was disassembled and carefully packed. It is probably on its way to London right now, where it will be installed in the Hayward Gallery in May/June.
2. Thankfully, I was spared having to "deinstall" the Richard Wright because I definitely became a bit attached to it after I spent a couple weeks painting triangles on the wall and it would have been sad to see it go. I'm assuming the construction crew did away with it by just repainting the entire wall, but it was the last thing left when I finished up, so I'm not sure if it has even been removed yet.

(going up, sir)

dizzleD said...

yeah this looks great, nice pic too and congrats hombrrrrrrre!